Saturday, September 07, 2019


Breaking the Half Full Glass

I wouldn’t go as far as to say that all conservatives are optimistic and all leftists are pessimistic but it is reasonable to note that the world is a complicated place. At any given time the world, and the United States specifically, is a place full of problems, injustices, and cause for pessimism. Just the same, again, at any given time, the world and the U.S. are full of stunning examples of progress, achievement, success, and (voluntary) altruism. It’s not far-fetched to say that the public appraisals of leftists are decidedly negative. Conservatives tend to see America’s past as unique, dynamic, and successful, their approach to problems is to consider practical solutions. There is nothing “extreme” about creating a society where business activity thrives and the family unit is held in high regard.

To the left, America is little more than a failed enterprise wrought with racism, sexism, and an increasing list of other “isms.” They see America as a brutally unjust society where only a “few” reach any level of success and the many grovel in suffering and victimhood. To the left, America’s glass is always half empty and their only solution is to seize the water in it to mold to their vision — a new glass, new water, and all of it under their direct jurisdiction.

Case in point; the debates and daily soundbites from Democrat candidates for president. To hear all of them, one would think America to be one of the worst possible countries. One must remember as well that characters like Bernie Sanders actually have spoken admiringly about places like Cuba and Venezuela, as well as the former Soviet dictatorship (he didn’t go on his honeymoon in Sweden or Denmark).

Until Trump and his America First policy, Democrats, and most establishment Republicans for that matter, looked the other way while the communist dictatorship in China literally robbed the American worker blind and stole ideas and innovation in rampant intellectual property theft.

If America was indeed a hell-hole of failure and injustice, it would require someone to establish order, and that’s their point. “The world is going to hell and only we can save you. Your loss of freedom will be worth it.”

It would be considered extreme to suggest that many progressives today are basically authoritarian communists but more and more we see the daily expressions of a political view that is bitter, angry, and punitive in it’s plans for the future. This is no exaggeration. One of the front runners has just proclaimed their belief that the heads of fossil fuel companies should be put on trial for “crimes against humanity.” Hmmm, I wonder what the punishment for that would be? Prosecution for providing a needed service to a prosperous society — only in left-land and the Venezuelan playbook. Democrats regularly speak of imprisoning people for holding “incorrect” beliefs. How is today’s leftist industrial complex and Antifa shock troops any different than the red guards in China’s communist “cultural revolution?”

We still hold some semblance of the rule of law and Democrats, for now, still have to actually run for office, but each year new ideas are formulated to seize greater power and eliminate any chance for fair and democratic opposition. The fact that a compliant media and tech sector openly assists in the establishment of authoritarian government is now pretty well established.

A mere few Republicans now actively resist the real threats from statism and collectivism. Most are weak-willed sell outs to the cult of apology - “Oh no! I used the wrong word! I didn’t show enough sensitivity to the latest contrived victim de’ jour!”

There is literally only one person in the current political climate that is consistently taking on the momentum of social-globalism (and that is why they hate him).

Say what one will about “tone,” “intellect,” “cooperation,” — all debatable points — the fact remains that Donald Trump is the only candidate running for president who is fully committed to reducing the authority of the Washington bureau-beast over citizens’ lives. Likewise, he is the only candidate unwilling to sacrifice America’s prosperity, employment vitality, and sovereignty to China, the EU, unelected global bureau-structures or pseudo intellectual control freaks and demagogues.

On the flip side, every other candidate running is to some degree supportive of an increasingly more centralized, powerful, and authoritarian apparatus of state. Likewise, they all to some degree seek “cooperation” with (subservience to) international institutions that have no concern for America or its citizens. Their “collusion” is real. A collusion with powerful Orwellian high tech ideologues who would turn our feee and dynamic society into a dystopian surveillance gulag and, at this early point in the game plan, punishment for disagreement is already high on the list of strategies. If they get the grip on absolute power they crave, the firing squad will be close behind and there are pages of history and psychology to back up that predicable outcome.

Again, whine on about the perceived flaws of Trump the man and continue to foolishly act bewildered by those who merely wish to retain their freedom and recognize that there is only one candidate committed to addressing their legitimate concerns.

Keep the leftist thugs away from our half FULL glass.

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